*GST applies for Australian Customers
Automate your new client setup process behind the scenes with this massive zap: From Dubsado to Google Drive and everything in between.
And how much time does that take you? On average, probably about 1 hour per client, if not a little more. You could be doing much better things in that hour.
Let’s automate all of the above so you can get into the real work you signed up for.
With Zapier Basics, you get to steal my very own zap that connects all the key pieces of your new client setup automatically in the background. It really is as simple as set it and forget it.
Create a Google Drive folder for the project and set the appropriate permissions so your client and their team can access everything.
Add the relevant internal templates and documents to this folder so you can get started.
Input specific tasks to ClickUp, or your project management tool of choice, so you stay on track throughout the process.
And add your new client to the appropriate email list.
Maybe more…?
If your process is anything like mine, you probably also have to do all this:
*If you don’t want to pay for Zapier, there’s the option to connect multiple small zaps versus using my got-to all-in-one template. I’ll show you how!
You want to automate more of the busywork before even thinking about hiring support like a virtual assistant.
You spend more than 30 minutes on average getting a new client setup.
Your services are relatively standardised in that you use close to the same structure every time you onboard a new client.
How to customise my Zapier templates to use within your own business.
A mini training on other ways you can use Zapier to streamline and automate.
The Zapier templates, of course!
An actionable video training that includes: