Charlotte Isaac mapping out Dubsado workflows on A4 paper

3 challenges Dubsado automation can help you overcome in your business

Are you at the top of your game when it comes to clients and providing your services, but if I take a peek behind the curtain your business processes are a mess (or non-existent)?

Don’t be embarrassed, it’s actually a really common problem for freelancers and business owners to have. This is because, in the early phases, most people focus on growth and building their services. But then you’ll hit a wall when you start to feel like you’re spending time on everything but your clients. 

And when you search for ways to overcome it, enter this post, stage right. 

Dubsado automation (called workflows) helps you straighten out your processes, take over the busywork and tackle all the stress that comes with it. But of course, as a Certified Dubsado Specialist, I would say that. You don’t have to take my word for it, if any of these challenges sound familiar, it’s a sign that automation’s what you’re looking for. 

1. You’re overwhelmed with client management and admin 

No one starts a business to spend all day on busywork. You know, the kind of tasks that are repetitive, monotonous and feel like they take forever. And when you’re spending more time on doing these than you are on delivering to your clients then it’s hurting your bottom line. 

Using Dubsado automation can offload the client management and admin tasks like proposals, contracts, onboarding, follow-ups, and offboarding so that you have more free time to focus on what you do best. 

2. You want more clients but you don’t have time for them

Service-based business owners have limited capacity, it comes with the territory of the expert services we provide. But when you combine this issue with a ton of manual processes your capacity gets even smaller. And when you reach capacity, your income and growth stall. 

There are numerous ways to overcome capacity issues like hiring more staff and creating passive income streams, but the most cost-effective is to create efficient systems and unlock the value in the resources you already have through automation. 

3. Your business is taking over your life

Being chained to your desk is not what you had in mind when you started your own business to get more freedom! In fact, it’s the fastest way to burnout. 

As your business grows it’ll become more than a full-time job if you don’t have the processes and automation in place to handle busywork. That said, your business taking over your life can also be a sign that you need to set boundaries.

Whether that means client communication, project scopes, or even with yourself. If you need help setting boundaries in your business, you can read how to do this in my post here: Set boundaries in business with systems

So, when is the RIGHT time to start using Dubsado?

This is one of the questions I get asked the most, and honestly the earlier you do something, the easier it is.

So my answer is: NOW.

The earlier you set up strong client management systems, like Dubsado, the better. Once you’ve learned Dubsado it gives you the foundational knowledge to build the best setup for your biz as you go. Without suddenly pouring hours of time and effort into it once you realise it’s time. 

But isn’t hindsight a beautiful thing?!

If you’ve been around the block but are now cursing past you for not getting started sooner, join my free comprehensive ‘7 Steps to Automation’ course where I show you the what, where, and how of automating your business.

Start using Dubsado automation with this free course, 7 Steps to Automation

who's charlotte?


I like to drink my flat white while it’s hot—it’s the little things, right? You can enjoy your morning coffee too by creating systems that work for you. Client experience is my specialty and through automation with Dubsado, I help you find the freedom to actually enjoy your business.

Hi! I'm Charlotte!